
Welcome to the Real Gene products page. From here you can read the specification sheets of the different SNPs that you will find inside the kit attached to the method sheet.

The specification sheets contains important informations regarding the SNPs of interest; among them: the general description of the polymorphism (molecular and clinical aspects), the rs number, the chromosomal location of the SNP, the nucleotide and amino acid sequence upstream and downstream of the SNP (with alleles and amino acid substitutions), the gene nomenclature, the software settings for some real-time PCR instruments, and finally an updated bibliography: anything that can be useful as a quick reference for the biologist and the clinician.

The complete list of the essays in the catalog can be downloaded in PDF format from this page.

bia2Real Gene S.r.l. is a young biotech company that comes from a strong experience of distribution of diagnostic products for the laboratory... Read More

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