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Our kit

SNP-line kits produced by Real Gene are dedicated to the study of genetic polymorphisms. They are made for use in real-time PCR (TaqMan® methodology) and operate in allelic discrimination mode with reading to the end-point. The kits are made with probes MGB (Minor Groove Binder) conjugated to fluorochromes FAM™ e VIC™ as reporter, while the quencers are made of non-fluorescent type (NFQ).


The design of assays is such to allow the use of a common amplification protocol, with the advantage of being able to test different polymorphisms in the same work session, optimizing the response times.
The SNP assays are extremely simple to perform: the reagents are supplied ready for use (no dilution to be made, no product to be reconstituted or aliquot) and are accompanied by a sheet reporting a very simplified operating method.



Each kit contains the following constituens:

  • OligoMix (O.M), the mixture containing probes/primers, which is specific for each polymorphism;
  • Taq Mix (T.M.), containing the amplification master mix (DNA polymerase, dNTPs, reaction buffer and ROX Passive Reference);
  • Human DNA Reference, DNA of placental origin used as a control in the reaction, whose genotype is specified in every kit (ready to use);
  • Water Molecular Grade, DNAse/RNAse free water to be used as a negative control.

The reaction mix is optimized on a final reaction volume of 25 ml, divided as follows:

  1. Taq Mix: 12,5 ml
  2. DNA*: 5ml (at a concentration of 10/20 ng/ml)
  3. OligoMix: 7,5 ml

*Can be DNA test or a positive/negative control.

Each assay is available in the standard size of 24 reactions in total. The number of total reactions must be divided into actual tests and controls (a positive and a negative control to be added for each session).

The essays Real Gene are tested on various instruments and are all certified CE-IVD (unless otherwise specified).


Kit and operating method

The method sheet, easy to read, shows the contents of the kit in use, the operating procedure and data interpretation; also, it contains tips and general warnings for routine laboratory.

To view a generic method sheet, click on the link below.
Warning: because is shown a generic method sheet, the product reference data were omitted and the alleles are simply marked with X and Y.


Note: Attached to the general method sheet, the user will find in the kit the product specifications sheet for the SNP, which shall contain all the information that may be useful as a quick reference for both the biologist and the clinician. In order to access the download of product specifications sheets, please fill out the registration form, then choose your login credentials, enter them and finally go to the Products page.

bia2Real Gene S.r.l. is a young biotech company that comes from a strong experience of distribution of diagnostic products for the laboratory... Read More

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